Workplace Wellness

May 25, 2016

Workplace Wellness

At Communica, we do our best to ensure health and wellness is a priority, and we encourage one another to practice healthy choices in all aspects of our lives. However, in a world where we are faced with endless content through social media, radio, television and the 24 hour news cycle, how do we decide what is beneficial to our health, both at home and at work? Most of us turn to health experts for advice on wellness, and studies show that one of the most prevalent modern conditions is our inability to address mental health issues and cope with stress.

Stress can cause people to make unhealthy choices and create feelings of guilt for doing so. Committing to making healthier choices then becomes a burden. “One in five Canadians experiences mental illness or psychiatric conditions of one type or another, and the other four may have a direct experience through someone in their life – a family member, a friend, a co-worker, or a neighbor”

It is important to remember that the end game for health is not just mastering the common components of diet and exercise. Research shows that in order to address our health concerns, we must also acknowledge and understand what may be negatively impacting our mental health.  According to the University of Oxford and the Mental Health Foundation, practicing mindfulness is known to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Combine this practice with healthy food choices, a realistic work/life balance and incorporating physical activity, and the results have been reported to combat various diseases, assist with weight management, improve your mood and boost your energy levels.

Communica has four pillars of service offerings, Stakeholder Engagement, Aboriginal Engagement, Communication and Stakeholder Information Management, but we also support four pillars of health: mindfulness, physical activity, healthy eating and work/life balance. Shown below are some examples of how we strive to incorporate these at Communica.

Staff from our Calgary office recently tested out stand-up desks. There are many documented benefits of stand-up desks including better blood circulation and reduced risk of cardio-vascular disease.

Standup desk

Communica’s social committee meets every six weeks to come up with fun and engaging activities for all employees. These activities are designed to support our four pillars of health, and to promote work/life balance.  As an example, members of our Calgary team participated in a bowling competition. Check out that form!



Our Vancouver office also likes to get in on the fun and took part in the annual Vancouver Sun Run. Look at those smiling faces pre-run!

While running or bowling may not be for everyone, the most important factor is that you are always being mindful of your personal health and wellness. For more information on mental health and wellness in the workplace, check out The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC). On the last Wednesday of every month at noon E.T., they host workplace webinars designed to create awareness around the importance of mental health!
